Adult Circumcision

Adult circumcision is performed by the Premier Medical Group Urology Division at our Poughkeepsie location.

What is adult circumcision?


Circumcision is a common procedure where the foreskin that covers the head, or glans, of the penis is removed. Babies, who are assigned male at birth (AMAB), are oftentimes circumcised within the first week of life. Some common reasons why babies receive a circumcision are:


  • Religious or cultural tradition
  • Personal cleanliness
  • Preventative healthcare
  • A medical need


Fewer adults get circumcisions, but it is possible. The most common medical reasons for adult circumcision are:

  • Balanitis: Recurrent inflammation of the foreskin
  • Paraphimosis: Inability to pull the retracted foreskin back to position
  • Phimosis: The foreskin is too tight and the skin does not withdraw from the head


There are also non-medical reasons why adults get circumcisions. These include:

  • Social, cultural, or personal issues
  • Cosmetics

What are the benefits of adult circumcision?

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There are reasons why a healthcare provider might have recommended delaying circumcision as a child. Your parents or legal guardian may have opted to avoid the procedure if you had:

  • Medical concerns
  • Physical problems with the penis that required surgery (and foreskin was needed to fix it)
  • A premature birth


Adulthood may be the time when you decide whether adult circumcision is appropriate or even necessary. The common advantages of adult circumcision are:

  • Easier hygiene: Washing the penis is manageable whether you are uncut or not. Even though it just requires different steps, some men find it more convenient without foreskin.
  • Lower risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs): Men are less likely to get UTIs, but men who are uncircumcised have a higher risk than their counterparts. Serious infections can compromise your kidneys if left unaddressed.
  • Lower risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Circumcision will not outright prevent sexually transmitted infections, but it may lower the risk for infections like HIV. Practicing safe sex with condoms is still the best way to protect yourself from STIs.
  • Avoiding penile problems: Foreskin on a penis can be difficult or impossible to retract. Phimosis can result in swelling, or inflammation, of the foreskin or the head of the penis.
  • Possible reduced risk of penile cancer: Penile cancer is rare, but circumcision may lower the risk. There is also a link to cervical cancer being less common if a woman’s sexual partner is circumcised.

What risks are common with adult circumcision?

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Adult circumcision is generally safe, but it is still considered a surgery. Even an outpatient procedure can have associated risks. Potential risks or complications may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Pain
  • Anesthesia problems
  • Irritation at the tip of the penis
  • Meatal stenosis: Narrowing at the opening of the tip of the penis
  • Meatitis: Inflammation at the tip of the penis
  • Hematoma: Severe bruising
  • Poor cosmetic result
  • Altered sensation during sex

Make an appointment with a doctor if you have any concerns about possible procedure risks.

What is the procedure for adult circumcision?

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Adult circumcision takes approximately an hour with the patient under general anesthesia. For reference, a newborn circumcision takes approximately five to 10 minutes and is done using a local anesthetic. Once the foreskin is removed, the provider uses dissolvable stitches and may use an electric current to burn (cauterize) the area. Cauterizing the area will:

  • Stop any bleeding
  • Reduce scarring after healing


A provider may use one of several circumcision techniques during the procedure, including:

  • Gomco clamp: The most common method that protects the head of the penis and reduces the bleeding.
  • Mogen clamp: A safe and faster method that is preferred by surgeons and often causes less pain or discomfort.
  • Plastibell device: A less common method due to a higher risk of infection. The plastic ring that a provider places between the foreskin and the head of the penis stays in its place for about a week. The ring falls off naturally after the allotted time.

The surgeon will apply antibiotic ointment after the circumcision is completed. The area will be wrapped loosely with gauze. Absorbable stitches mean that they will not need to be removed. You will most likely undergo adult circumcision by a urologist, but you may possibly have one conducted by a general surgeon.

How do you take care of yourself after adult circumcision?

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Adult circumcision patients generally return home on the same day as the procedure. You may experience swelling and/or bruising for the first two days post-surgery. Using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen should relieve any pain or discomfort.

Follow any instructions from your doctor about when to remove dressing. Wear underwear that feels the most comfortable. Wear underwear that holds the penis upright in order to help reduce swelling. The swelling is often gone within a few weeks, or slightly longer in some cases.

Other ways to take care of yourself at home include:

  • Resting when you feel tired
  • Gradually increasing how much you walk each day
  • Showering once you have removed the bandage and patting the incision dry
  • Avoiding strenuous activities (for two weeks or until your doctor advises you)
  • Resuming a normal diet (unless advised otherwise)
  • Ice and elevation (ice your groin 10-20 minutes, every 1-2 hours for the first day)


Adult circumcision recovery is unique to a person. The best way to ensure that you properly take care of yourself is to speak to your doctor. Ask questions before undergoing the procedure and prior to returning home afterwards.

What are common adult circumcision questions?

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It is completely natural to have questions before and after any surgical procedure. Speaking to a medical professional should help alleviate confusion or concerns for post-surgical expectations. Questions that many patients ask are:

  • When can I have sex after circumcision? A doctor will most likely advise against any sexual intercourse or masturbation for about four to six weeks post-surgery. You should otherwise wait until your penis completely heals.
  • What is adult circumcision recovery time? The expected recovery time is two to three weeks for adult circumcision. Some adults will take a week off work during their recovery, but that is based entirely on the individual.
  • Does adult circumcision reduce sensitivity? Circumcision is thought by some people to decrease sexual pleasure or interfere with the intensity of orgasms. There are not any definitive studies that link circumcision to a reduction of sensitivity.
  • Will adult circumcision affect fertility? No. Getting adult circumcision will not affect your ability to produce biological children.

When should you call a healthcare provider after adult circumcision?

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Adult circumcision patients should call their doctor or seek emergency medical attention if they notice anything unusual after their surgery. Inquire about next steps if you:

  • Have pain that is not alleviated by medication
  • Notice that your stitches are loose or your incision opens
  • Have bright red blood soaking the bandage
  • Develop an infection (ex. fever, localized pus draining, localized red streaks, increased swelling/warmth/redness)

Other reasons to contact your doctor are if you cannot urinate or you display symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Seek immediate medical assistance if you are sick to your stomach or cannot keep down fluids. You may have a blood clot in your leg (deep vein thrombosis) if:

  • There is redness or swelling
  • There is pain in the back calf, thigh, groin, or back of the knee

Adult circumcision is completely manageable and most often a safe, efficient procedure. If you have questions or concerns, our doctors are happy to provide further information and alleviate any pre-surgery anxieties.

