What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids, also called “piles,” are swollen and inflamed veins around the anus or in the lower rectum. They can swell inside the rectum to form internal hemorrhoids, or they can do so near the opening, forming external hemorrhoids. Some people suffer from both types. The treatment will depend on which type you have and what your symptoms are. Hemorrhoids are not dangerous or life threatening. Symptoms usually go away within a few days, and some people with hemorrhoids never have symptoms.
Hemorrhoids can affect both men and women, and about 75 percent of adults will have had hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. The condition is most common among adults 45-65, and among pregnant women—often resulting from straining too much during a bowel movement, they are very common during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are diagnosed and treated by the GI Division of Premier Medical Group.