
Urology Division

A woman with urgency

The symptoms of overactive bladder— increasing urinary urgency and urinary frequency—should not be endured in silence. Not only can the majority of cases of OAB be successfully treated, the symptoms may indicate an underlying condition that needs to be urgently addressed. Primary measures An otherwise healthy 52-year-old woman, mother of three, is referred to me...
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Lightning Strikes Twice: Local Doctor Saves Flight Attendant at 36,000 Feet

An otherwise uneventful flight from New York to Las Vegas to attend a research conference was interrupted with a little over an hour of flight time remaining by an overhead page for a “qualified medical professional.” Two key members of Premier Medical Group’s clinical staff leapt in to action. Dr. Evan Goldfischer, managing partner at...
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Erectile Dysfunction and your Heart

Over the last decade it has been consistently demonstrated that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between cardiovascular disease (CVD) and erectile dysfunction (ED). Dr. Evan Goldfischer of Premier’s Urology Division, makes a point of telling his ED patients, “the penis is a barometer of cardiovascular health.” “The arteries to your brain, the carotid arteries,...
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A vasectomy is one of safest and most effective methods of permanent birth control. It is much safer and less expensive than the other most common contraceptive surgery, tubal ligation. At Premier Medical Group Urology Division, vasectomy is a simple 10-minute procedure performed in the doctor’s office using a local anesthetic. First Thing’s First –...
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PMG Launches Women’s Center

Premier Medical Group is pleased to announce our new Premier Women’s Center for Continence and Sexual Health. Led by top Hudson Valley urologist Dr. Daniel Katz, this comprehensive center offers women an opportunity to see a knowledgeable team of specialists with more than two decades of experience. Two highly skilled nurse practitioners in the Women’s...
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Bariatric surgery and kidney stones

About 200,000 Americans have bariatric surgery each year in an attempt to overcome obesity after diet and exercise have failed. The surgery, in effect, changes the anatomy of the digestive system to limit the amount of food that can be consumed and the amount of food that the body can digest. Two procedures are most commonly used in the United...
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