
Urology Division

Robot Assisted Surgery for Prostate Cancer

More than 200,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2010. Those of them that need surgery will find a remarkable new tool in their surgeon’s hands. Health statistics tell us that about 1 of every 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. In the years since the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test...
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The Pathologists are in

Having an in-house pathology lab guarantees that Premier’s labwork is done promptly and efficiently—with two pathologists reviewing every “positive” specimen— so our patients won’t have to endure anxious waits to learn about the next step in their treatment. What is the major benefit of having a dedicated “in-house” pathology department? On this question, the physicians...
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Searching for an End to Erectile Dysfunction

In April of 2010, a “proof of concept” study published in the journal European Urology examined the question, “Can Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Improve Erectile Function?” The prime cause of most cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) is insufficient blood flow (vascular deficiency) in the penis. The current ED medications (such as Viagra and Cialis), vacuum...
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Confronting A Controversy- The PSA Question

For several months now, the prostate specific antigen (PSA ) test has been the subject of many headlines and news reports. The controversy has centered on the question of whether screening all men with the PSA test actually reduces the overall number of deaths from prostate cancer and whether the benefits of routine screening outweigh...
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Getting the Best of BPH

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is the medical name for enlargement of the prostate. It’s a common condition, affecting more than 50 percent of men in their sixties. Whether your symptoms are mild or severe, we can make them better. As common a part of aging as getting gray hair, prostate enlargement is a condition that the...
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Finding A Fix For Erectile Dysfunction

Now that scientists know the causes, and have devised a number of treatments to deal with them, this age-old condition is something worth talking about, and that’s good news for the 30 million American men who have ED. Simply put, erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to get or maintain an erection...
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